Elections, Fellowships and Appointments
Dr. Robin Bartlett, associate dean of research, Nursing, has been selected as a Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing. Fellows were selected based on their contributions to advance the public’s health.
Dr. Andrew Raffo Dewar, professor, New College, was awarded one of three 2023-24 Alabama State Council on the Arts Music Fellowships. Fellows use funding to support the growth and development of their artistic careers through time creating, practicing, and improving their skill, pursuit of professional development and training, or other opportunities.
Four UA College of Community Health Sciences faculty were elected or appointed to leadership positions with the Medical Association of the State of Alabama. Dr. Jake Guin, assistant professor of family, internal, and rural medicine and assistant residency director, was elected chair of the Young Physician’s Section and appointed to the nominating committee. Dr. Drake Lavender, associate professor and director of CCHS Rural Programs, was elected to the Council of Medical Services. Dr. Jane Weida, professor and chair of family, internal and rural medicine and associate residency director, was re-elected to a three-year term as Seventh District Censor and appointed to a one-year term as an alternate delegate to the American Medical Association. Dr. Tom Weida professor of family, internal, and rural medicine and associate dean for Clinical Affairs, was elected to a one-year term as an alternate delegate to the American Medical Association.
Awards and Recognitions
Matt Hollub, interim executive director, UA SafeState, won the William J. Higgins – National OSHA award for safety excellence in the small business community.
Dr. Karen Johnson, assistant professor, Social Work, received the 2023 Health Innovators to Watch Award from the Boston Congress of Public Health.
Stephen Lake, systems coordinator for elevator maintenance, was featured in the June issue of Elevator World, which profiled 14 individuals regarded as leaders in the industry.
Misty Mathews, senior communications specialist, Global Water Security Center, won second place for a ghostwritten article and honorable mention for PR brochure design from the National Federation of Press Women. She also was elected president of Alabama Media Professionals, a member of National Federation of Press Women board.
Paul Horwitz, Gordon Rosen Professor of Law, published “A Tribute to R. Kent Greenawalt: Scholar-Teacher, Teacher-Scholar,” 123 Columbia Law Review 939-942 (2023).
Dr. Rachel Stephens, associate professor, art and art history, published “Art Justifying Enslavement: The 1844 Silhouette of the Young Family of Natchez,” in the March issue of Texas Gulf Historical and Biographical Record, the journal of the Texas Gulf Historical Society and the Lamar University history department.
More Accolades
SEC Announces 2023-2024 Executive Committee; UA’s Dr. Bell to Serve as President
CCHS Professor Receives Lahoma Adams Buford Peace Award
Submit Your Achievements for Accolades
UA News publishes accolades for current UA faculty and staff from the calendar year regarding publications in peer-reviewed journals, scholarly books or national publications; awards and elections; national and international fellowships; and art exhibits and performances. We do not publish conference papers or keynote addresses. To submit an accolade, use the online form.