As we experienced in January, severe weather can happen in Alabama during any month of the year.
The best way to be prepared for severe weather is to have a plan. Your plan should start with how you will receive severe weather information for your location.
The UA Safety app provides a seven-day weather forecast and weather alerts from the National Weather Service for Tuscaloosa County. These alerts can be for tornado watches and warnings, severe thunderstorm watches and warnings, flooding events, winter weather events and more. App settings allow you to manage the alerts you want to receive.
In addition to the weather alert from the NWS, when the UA campus is included in a tornado watch or warning, a UA Alert will be sent to all faculty, staff and students. To make sure you can receive all UA Alerts, update your contact information in myBama. Instructions for updating your contact information can be found on the UA Alerts page of the Office of Emergency Management’s website.
When severe weather impacts the campus area, information can be heard on UA Info Radio, which can be found at 92.5 FM. The station can also be streamed from the web or through the UA Safety app.
Another way to receive severe weather information is by purchasing a NOAA Weather Radio for your home. These radios, which typically cost around $30, can be programmed to alert you of a dangerous weather situation in your area. You can purchase a NOAA Weather Radio tax-free during Alabama’s 2023 Severe Weather Preparedness Sales Tax Holiday Feb. 24-26.
If severe weather is predicted to occur overnight, make sure you have multiple ways of receiving information about warnings that will wake you up if you’re asleep.
Severe Weather Awareness Week in Alabama is Feb. 5-10. Watch the UA News Center for more information on how you can prepare for severe weather.
Safety Reminder: UA Alert System Test
Weather permitting, the University will test its emergency notification systems, including UA Alerts, the public address system and digital signage, Wednesday, Feb. 1, at 11:55 a.m.