a graphic showing icons of bandages, flashlights and a radio

Take Advantage of Severe Weather Preparedness Sales Tax Holiday

Severe weather can happen at any time in Alabama. To help you prepare, The University of Alabama is offering information on severe weather and safety tips during Severe Weather Awareness Week, Feb. 21-25.

Before the next severe weather event, make sure you have the supplies that you need. Build a personal safety kit with water, non-perishable food items, a battery-powered or hand crank radio, a flashlight with extra batteries, a first aid kit, a whistle to signal for help, a dust mask, moist towelettes, and a portable charger for your mobile phone.

Read about additional items you should consider adding to your emergency supply kit.

Many of the items you need for an emergency supply kit can be purchased without state sales tax during the 11th Annual Severe Weather Preparedness Tax Holiday Feb. 25-27. View a complete list of the items that are covered.

Watch the video below to see what Big Al has in his emergency supply kit.