The beginning of a new year is a great time to make resolutions, especially those that can help you if a disaster strikes. As 2022 starts, resolve to be prepared for emergencies.

Here are 10 resolutions you should make to be prepared for any natural or man-made disasters that may affect you.
- Download the UA Safety app. The UA Safety app provides UA Alerts whenever there’s an emergency on campus, as well as severe weather information for all of Tuscaloosa County. The UA Safety app is available for free for iOS and Android devices.
- Update your contact information in myBama to receive UA Alerts directly to your mobile device.
- Learn where the nearest storm shelters or Best Available Refuge Areas (BARAs) are in case of severe weather. If you live off campus, view this list of shelters in Tuscaloosa County.
- Learn evacuation routes from campus in case you are told to evacuate.
- Create and update your emergency supply kit.
- Share your emergency contact’s information with a friend or roommate.
- Set up group text lists so you can communicate with friends and family during emergencies.
- Take a current photo of you, family, roommates and pets in case you get separated during a disaster.
- Take photos of important documents and your property and save them in a secure physical or online place.
- If you rent an apartment or house, make sure you have renter’s insurance. If you’re a homeowner, check your insurance policy to make sure it will cover your losses in case of a disaster.
When is the next test of the UA Alert System?
Weather permitting, the University will test its emergency notification systems, including UA Alerts, the public address system and digital signage Wednesday, Jan. 5, at 11:55 a.m.