TUSCALOOSA, Ala. — The University of Alabama’s homecoming parade will be at 1 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 23, followed by the Alabama vs. Tennessee football game, which kicks off at 6 p.m.
The parade is scheduled to start in downtown Tuscaloosa, move north on Greensboro Avenue and then east on University Boulevard. The parade route will continue on University Boulevard from downtown toward the center of campus. However, this route is subject to change.
The traditional pep rally and bonfire will be at 6:30 p.m. Friday, Oct. 22, on the Quad.
This year’s theme is “Together We Rise.”
The 2021 SGA Homecoming Committee has been working to provide students, alumni and fans with a week’s worth of events. The week will begin with the 33rd annual Roll Tide Run at 10:30 a.m. Sunday, Oct. 17, and conclude with the crowning of the homecoming queen during halftime of the football game.
Details on homecoming events, registration and tickets can be found online.
Caroline Gazzara-McKenzie, Strategic Communications, caroline.mckenzie@ua.edu