Career Center Campus Influencer Program Inaugural Cohort

The UA Career Center’s Campus Career Influencer Program targets faculty and staff who have a compelling interest and commitment to the development of student career readiness, in addition to academic excellence. Influencers promote career awareness and competencies through personal interaction with students in their current roles by providing information, data, event details and specialized development to guide students to the resources, programming and career development provided by the UA Career Center.
The inaugural cohort, selected by the center’s Career Culture Committee, includes the following: James Kelly, undergraduate admissions; Pam Derrick and Dr. Douglas Klutz, College of Arts and Sciences; Jessie Gardner, student-athlete enhancement; Tiffanie Bittle and Anna Claire Toxey, College of Communication and Information Sciences; Dr. Amanda Ingram and Dr. Megan Welborn, College of Continuing Studies; Larry Baldwin and Heather Davis, Culverhouse College of Business; Dr. Carlton McHargh, College of Education; Dr. Beth Todd and Dr. Derek Williamson, College of Engineering; and Dr. Andre’ Denham and Tierney Jenkins, Graduate School.
Completing the cohort are Lauren Creel and Dr. Jennifer Humber, College of Human Environmental Sciences; Erin Jett, Honors College; Trang Nguyen, International Student Services; LeAnn Wilson, Law School; Dr. Julia Cherry, New College; Jessie Richardson and Dr. Andrea Sartain, Capstone College of Nursing; Dr. Amy Traylor, School of Social Work; Jimmy Hart, Strategic Communications; and Kathleen Duffy and Dr. Amy Salazar, Student Life.
Awards, Elections and Publications
Rick Bragg, professor, department of journalism and creative media, has been awarded the Fitzgerald Literary Prize by the Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald Museum. Bragg is a native Alabamian best known for his many books about the life of rural working people in the state.
Deepa Das Acevedo, assistant professor, Law School, has published “(Im)mutable Race?” in the Northwestern University Law Review Online 88-119 (2021).
Dr. William Dressler, professor emeritus, department of anthropology, has been selected by the American Anthropological Association as co-recipient of the 2021 Conrad M. Arensberg award. This honor recognizes individuals who have furthered anthropology as a natural science.
Tara Leigh Grove, Charles E. Tweedy Jr. Endowed Chairholder in Law, has published “Sacrificing Legitimacy in a Hierarchical Judiciary,” 121 Columbia Law Review 1555-1615 (2021).
Dr. Tanja Jones, associate professor, department of art and art history, published the edited volume, “Women Artists in the Early Modern Courts of Europe c. 1450-1700” (Amsterdam University Press) in August.
Kristina Patridge, director of University Dining Services, was elected president of the National Association of College and University Food Services. She has been a member of NACUFS for more than 20 years and served on the board since 2016.
Sara Maurice Whitver, assistant professor and coordinator of Library Instruction and liaison to English for University Libraries, was awarded Best Article of 2020 by portal: Libraries and the Academy for “Accessible Library Instruction in Practice.” A part of Johns Hopkins University Press, portal focuses on important research about the role of academic libraries and librarianship.