The letters Q&A over a chalkboard with question marks drawn in chalk

Q&A with Faculty Senate President Dr. Chapman Greer

Dr. Chapman Greer, clinical instructor of management in the Culverhouse College of Business, was elected as president of the Faculty Senate in March after eight years of service as a senator, most recently as vice president.

The Faculty Senate is an elected body that represents every area of campus. Senators aid The University of Alabama in making judgments on questions of policy, development and operations, and thereby assisting the University in its continuing quest for excellence.

Greer joined Culverhouse in 2009 and received a master’s in library and information sciences and a doctorate in English from the University.

What were some of the highlights from the senate last year?

Much of the time and energy of the senate body was devoted to:

  • working with the administration to keep faculty apprised of UA policies and procedures in the age of COVID
  • keeping everyone as safe as possible during the pandemic
  • keeping faculty informed through the Q&A sessions streamed live on Facebook, etc.
  • working with the UA System Office to develop and promote a COVID Dashboard
  • addressing concerns about the GuideSafe products
  • addressing the concerns of the faculty about maintaining the college experience for students
  • maintaining an open line of communication with the administration

Regarding non-pandemic matters, we worked on providing updates on the progress of the General Education Taskforce on the development and plans for implementation of a revised core curriculum.

What are some of the senate’s goals and major projects for the 2021-2022 year?

Our major goals and projects for 2021-2022 include:

  • implementing paid parental leave for all faculty and staff
  • expanding childcare options

How can fellow faculty members get involved or stay informed about the Faculty Senate?

Faculty can get involved and stay informed through:

  • attending Faculty Senate meetings
  • working with their respective representatives on issues they consider important
  • reading about senate events and meetings on the senate website

The last year was challenging both for individuals and groups as they pivoted for the pandemic. As the University transitions operations to resemble more “normal” times, how does the senate intend to adjust to this and how do you intend to support your constituents?

The senate will adjust to a return to normal operations by continuing to meet to do the work that helps make the campus a wonderful place.

What was the biggest lesson the senate learned from the past year that will continue to make an impact on the body and how it conducts business?

The biggest lesson we learned in the past year (and that will continue to inform the senate) is that we can work together to achieve our goals, even in challenging situations.


Adam Jones, UA communications, 205-348-4328,