A new addition to the Student Health Center will increase clinical services provided to students and boost UA’s research capabilities through a new MRI suite.

The two-story addition will allow student health services to expand clinical operations at the current location to better support the student population. The project includes new provider offices, exam rooms and other support functions.
UA’s student population has grown significantly since the construction of the Student Health Center in 2005. The expansion will better accommodate the needs of UA students and provide a better patient flow and experience.
The project also includes a new MRI suite that will allow UA researchers to extensively explore the human body, with a special emphasis on the brain and neuroscience. The suite will include the MRI room, shell space for a future MRI scanner and support areas. Through a $1.7 million major research instrumentation grant from the National Science Foundation, UA will purchase a Siemens 3.0 Tesla MAGNETOM Prisma MRI scanner, MRI compatible eye-tracker and participant response system for the study of brain systems supporting various aspects of human behavior and cognitive function.
“The University of Alabama is recognized as a top-tier research institution, and we have a growing concentration of neuroimaging and neuroscience researchers at UA,” said Dr. Russell J. Mumper, vice president for research and economic development. “An MRI scanner on campus is essential for the successful execution of several funded research projects and will allow faculty the capability to pursue future projects.”
The Student Health Center addition project foundation and site work package has begun and the main package will bid this summer with a projected completion of August 2022.
Bryant Welbourne, UA Strategic Communications, bryant.welbourne@ua.edu