TUSCALOOSA, Ala. – Bama Bug Fest will be crawling your way April 22-24 and will include virtual experiences and in-person exhibits at the Alabama Museum of Natural History, Mildred Westervelt Warner Transportation Museum and Tuscaloosa Public Library.
The online component features four video premieres on the UA Museums’ YouTube Channel that will explore common bugs housed in Smith Hall, give a tour of the Bug Room located in the basement of Smith Hall and teach about the insect observation and collection technique called blacklighting.
During the video premieres, viewers will have the opportunity to participate in a YouTube live chat with museum experts. Even if one misses the live video premiere, the audience is encouraged to write a question or comment for experts to answer at a later date.
Various bug exhibits will be showcased at the Alabama Museum of Natural History, Mildred Westervelt Warner Transportation Museum and Tuscaloosa Public Library.
The Mildred Westervelt Warner Transportation Museum’s BUGS exhibit will feature photos from last year’s Details Unseen exhibit, but in a new and interesting perspective. The specimens in these large-scale images were photographed using focus stacking which involves photographing 50 to 100 digital images that are layered on top of one another, resulting in a greater depth of field.
“Visitors can expect a larger-than-life perspective when viewing the large format images planned for the exhibit,” said Katherine Edge, director of the Mildred Westervelt Warner Transportation Museum. “We’ve never attempted anything this large in the museum before and are enthusiastic to share the experience with the public.”
The Tuscaloosa Public Library’s Main Branch will have Insects All Around Us, which features a wide range of insect displays, images and library resources that celebrates insects big and small. The library’s Weaver-Bolden Branch will feature Insects and Biodiversity, which celebrates the diversity of insects and their importance in our world.
The Alabama Museum of Natural History will feature The Buzz About Bees.
“There are millions of species of insects on the planet that save us around $518 billion every year in the services they provide us,” said Kendra Abbott, research and outreach coordinator with the Alabama Museum of Natural History. “They help keep our planet alive and each species has an amazing story. We hope people walk away appreciating something cool from each of these.”
The exhibits at the Mildred Westervelt Warner Transportation Museum and Tuscaloosa Public Library locations are free to the public. The exhibit at the Alabama Museum of Natural History is included with paid admission. Admission is $2 for adults, $1 for students in grades K-12 and senior adults 55 and older, and free for children under 5 and UA students, faculty and staff. Visitors will need to comply with COVID-19 guidelines established at all locations.
For more information, visit www.bamabugfest.org.
Rebecca Johnson, UA Museums, rljohnson8@ua.edu