In August we welcomed the first cohort of UA’s CrossingPoints certificate in occupational studies program.
THE KEYS! Colby Spangler, of Birmingham, receives the keys to his on-campus dorm room.
NEW FRIENDS: Maeghan DeLoach (left), meets CrossingPoints mentor Alissa Beck, a secondary education major from Huntsville.
SETUP: Davis Spain and his mother, Jennifer, of Birmingham, organize items in Davis’ dorm room.
THIS GOES … SOMEWHERE IN HERE: Melissa Walker (center), her mother, Lawanna Walker, and father, Ken Walker, all of Tuscaloosa, help Melissa unpack.
WE’LL GET IT, EVENTUALLY: Maeghan DeLoach (right) and CCOS RA Kourtney Clark (left) and roommate Stephanie Slaven work to untangle holiday lights to hang in the shared space of their dorm room.
A MESSAGE FROM THE DEAN: Dr. Peter Hlebowitsh, dean of the UA College of Education, welcomes the CCOS students to the college.
JUST A LITTLE HELP: Maeghan DeLoach (center), of Hoover, smiles as her mother, Marilyn DeLoach, adjusts her necklace at CCOS orientation.
TELL ME MORE: Olivia Baker, of Tuscaloosa, and Melissa Walker visit information tables at Bama Bound.
ONE MORE TAKE: Davis Spain reviews his selfie photo that will be used for his ACT Card.
FREE STUFF: Olivia Baker, Colby Spangler, Melissa Walker and Jahlen Vaughn visit a table at Bama Bound.
FIRST DAY UA: Olivia Baker (left) and Maeghan DeLoach on the first day of classes.
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