The Capstone added 167 new faculty members for the 2017-2018 academic year, representing every college and school on campus.
While some of the new faculty members are filling vacancies left when others retired or left the University, some have been hired into entirely new faculty lines as part of President Stuart R. Bell’s plan to increase faculty numbers.
The growth plan for faculty is aimed at increasing research productivity and grants while also keeping the student/faculty ratio low.
“We are so pleased to welcome one of the largest groups of new faculty in UA’s history,” said Provost and Executive Vice President Kevin Whitaker. “We’ve hired faculty at all ranks and in virtually every college as we seek to fulfill President Bell’s mission of expanding our faculty ranks.

“These faculty come to us with exceptional credentials, holding graduate degrees from outstanding universities throughout the world and possessing a wealth of professional and academic experience. They are already contributing to our goal of providing a premier undergraduate and graduate education characterized by outstanding teaching and high-quality scholarship.” Dr. Kevin Whitaker
In addition to the campuswide new-faculty orientation in August, the First Year Experience for New Faculty continues throughout the year. This series of events helps new faculty to learn about UA, meet key people and develop a sense of shared community. The program is coordinated by Associate Provost Jennifer Greer. Individual colleges and schools also conduct sessions and hold events for their new faculty members.