The UA Libraries is a system of five libraries on campus: Gorgas Library, Bruno Business Library, Hoole Special Collections, McLure Education Library, and Rodgers Science and Engineering Library. Within those libraries are a treasure trove of resources. Check this list and see if you find some that are new to you.

Library Liaisons
Need research help? Reach out to your library liaison. Each librarian has knowledge about specific areas.
Special Collections
The mission of Special Collections is to acquire, preserve and make available permanent collections of rare and unique research resources for the use of faculty, graduate and undergraduate students of The University of Alabama, as well as others.
More and more professors are using Special Collections in their class assignments, while undergraduates are using primary resources in their research. Do you want to use Special Collections in your classroom?
Contact us for class visits to Hoole Library or the A.S. Williams III Americana Collection:
Document Delivery/Interlibrary Loan
Interlibrary Loan, also known as ILL, provides free access to materials needed for coursework and research not available in the UA Libraries. If you need assistance obtaining unavailable items, please visit any service desk.

Institutional Repository
The University Libraries announces the creation of an Institutional Repository that collects, preserves and distributes digital scholarly and research materials created by the UA community. Repositories are important tools for preserving an organization’s legacy; they facilitate digital preservation and scholarly communication.
New Study Spaces and Coffee
Relax in the new study spaces on the second floor and 4M; enjoy new soft seating and study areas. Also, graduate and faculty study carrels are available by reservation.
To learn more about what University Libraries has to offer, visit the Information for Faculty page of the Libraries’ website.