TUSCALOOSA, Ala. — Two University of Alabama historians, Drs. Michael Innis-Jiménez and Andrew Huebner, were recently appointed distinguished lecturers of the Organization of American Historians.
As speakers for the Distinguished Lectureship Program, Huebner and Innis-Jiménez agree to a three-year renewable term in which they will travel the country, speaking about all facets of U.S. history in museums, libraries, universities, community centers, churches and more.

“I’m honored to be included in this program, which offers a great way to support the OAH and deliver talks about one’s research,” said Huebner, a UA associate professor in the department of history.
“Speakers receive invitations to appear at public events through the OAH office, then donate the speakers’ fee from one lecture per year back to the organization. The topics I’ve listed so far mainly concern America’s involvement in the First World War, but I expect these to evolve over time.”
Innis-Jiménez’s lectures will focus on various aspects of food, environment and cultural tourism in Mexican immigrant neighborhoods during the first half of the 20th century.
“Being selected to participate in this program is an important recognition of my own work,” said Innis-Jiménez, a UA associate professor in the department of American studies. “It is also an important reminder of our responsibility as scholars to actively support scholarly organizations like the OAH.”

Founded in 1907, the OAH is the largest professional association dedicated to American history scholarship. The organization boasts more than 7,800 members, and Huebner and Innis-Jimenez are two of only 31 lecturers from around the country to join its Distinguished Lectureship Program this year.
Nominees were appointed to the program based on their engaging lectureship and prominent work in the field.
“In these turbulent times, the Distinguished Lectureship Program provides an important service to communities and institutions. We thank these historians for their service to the organization and their efforts to increase the public’s understanding of American history and to help OAH achieve its mission,” said Katherine M. Finley, the executive director of the OAH. “And we congratulate them on achieving this high honor.”
The department of history and the department of American studies are part of UA’s College of Arts and Sciences, the University’s largest division and the largest liberal arts college in the state. Students from the College have won numerous national awards including Truman, Rhodes and Goldwater scholarships.
Courtney Corbridge, courtney.a.corbridge@ua.edu, 205/348-8539
Dr. Michael Innis-Jimenez, ij@ua.edu; Dr. Andrew Huebner, ahuebner@ua.edu