TUSCALOOSA, Ala. — Ainsley LeBlanc, a senior public relations major from Cordova, Tennessee, has been elected the 2016 University of Alabama Homecoming Queen.
She is sponsored by Alpha Omicron Pi.
She has served as a Capstone Men and Women ambassador and as chapter president of the Alpha Omicron Pi Sorority. In addition, she was inducted into the Omicron Delta Kappa Senior Honorary Society, Blue Key Senior Honorary Society And the Cardinal Key Junior Honorary Society.
More than 11,700 votes were cast in this year’s Homecoming Queen election Sept. 27. Students voted online.
The queen was crowned at halftime of the homecoming football game between UA and Kentucky.
The game began at 6 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 1, in Bryant-Denny Stadium.
Richard LeComte, media relations, rllecomte@ur.ua.edu, 205/348-3782
Kelli Knox-Hall, assistant director, Office of Student Conduct, 205-348-3250, kknox-hall@sa.ua.edu