Squabbles to Prevent Progressive Legislation in Alabama

The 2008 Alabama legislative session promises to be fraught with partisan bickering, a University of Alabama political scientist predicts.

Hybrids, Diesels and ‘Green’ Fuels Remain Big Issues in the Automotive World; Diesels to Surge in 2009

A University of Alabama engineering professor predicts hybrids, diesels and biofuels will remain the big issues in the automotive market for 2008.

More Drug-Resistance Infections to be Identified

Drug-resistant infections, including the headline-grabbing MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus), will continue to be a top concern for health-care providers in 2008, says a University of Alabama health expert.

Respect Factor May Drive Affluent Baby Boomers to Asian Countries for Retirement

Baby Boomers are likely to flock to Asia in increasing numbers in the year ahead in search of respect that’s often gone unpaid in the United States, says a University of Alabama professor with expertise in Chinese business management.

Online Anti-War Protests to Increase Among Younger Generation in 2008

The use of online venues for protesting the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan will continue to gain steam as the conflicts drag on, predicts a University of Alabama social change expert.

Look for Many New Developments in Cell Phones, Service

Free cell phone service? That’s one of many ideas that will be kicked around in coming months, says Dr. Michael Hardin, associate dean for research at the Culverhouse College of Commerce and professor of statistics at The University of Alabama.

‘No Child Left Behind’ to be Reauthorized with Significant Changes

The “No Child Left Behind” Act will be reauthorized in 2008 but with some significant changes, predicts Dr. Joyce Stallworth, professor of education at The University of Alabama.

Buckle Your Economic Seatbelt, State is in for Rocky 2008

Surprise, surprise. Things will be less than rosy for Alabama’s economy over the next 12 months or so, according to Ahmad Ijaz, economic analyst at the Center for Business and Economic Research at The University of Alabama.

Violent Crime to Continue Escalation; ’08 A Watershed Year in Gun Control Argument

Violent crime will continue to increase in 2008 after a slowing economy and cuts to community policing programs, says Dr. David Forde, professor of criminal justice at The University of Alabama.

Drug Testing Takes Center Stage at Olympics

The upcoming Beijing Olympics may be the first modern day games where drug testing gets more attention than the events, predicts Dr. Mike Perko, chair of The University of Alabama’s health science department.