Squabbles to Prevent Progressive Legislation in Alabama

eduguesses2008bThe 2008 Alabama legislative session promises to be fraught with partisan bickering, a University of Alabama political scientist predicts.

Dr. William Stewart, professor emeritus of political science at UA, says the Alabama Legislature, which convenes Feb. 5, 2008, will continue its trend of fighting between Republicans and Democrats that began in 2007.

“The Republicans and the Democrats in the Senate have been at loggerheads ever since Gov. Riley began his second term,” Stewart says. “There’s still going to be intense partisan conflict that prevents passage of progressive legislation or even rational consideration of such.”

Compounding the legislative conflict will be the beginning of the race for governor in 2010, when Riley will step down because of term limits.

“Even though it will be 2008 and the state elections still two years away, there will be a lot of jockeying for position among potential candidates for governor,” Stewart says.


Dr. William Stewart, 205/348-3811, wm300@comcast.net