UA Army ROTC to Hold ‘Dining In’ Event

TUSCALOOSA, Ala. — The University of Alabama Army ROTC will hold its annual “Dining In” event on Friday, Nov. 14, at 6 p.m. in the Four Points Sheraton Hotel.

The event is a formal banquet with a military atmosphere combined with tradition and fellowship. It is customary during these functions to pay tribute to people who have made outstanding contributions to the military and to recognize dignitaries, heads of state and fallen comrades.
“Usually, we have a guest speaker at this event,” said Maj. Gerald Posey of UA Army ROTC, “but this year, our guest speaker is still in Iraq, so he had more important things to do.”


Ryan Davis or Linda Hill, Office of Media Relations, 205/348-8325,


Maj. Gerald Posey, 205/348-1060,